Re: For those that left the UPC...
Originally Posted by onefaith2
We know that the robes (if thats what they wore.. lol) would have to be significantly different so that even from a distance you could tell them apart. Something that is an abomination in the law could not have allowed otherwise.
(think harlots caught had to wear certain garments that distinguished them)
Before you make statements you can't back up you need to study history and quit assuming that what you have been told by pastors and other to keep the saints under the unbiblical pastoral authority is true.
Keep studing and praying God is directing you to the place you will feel comfertable serving him. My whole family went through the same thing a few years ago. Now all my children are in good churches and growing in the spirit.
Study the word with and open heart For if you do, Truth Will Prevail