Originally Posted by Jason Badejo
Jermyn, how about actually commenting on the point I made. I did not say we are a theocracy, or that a theocracy even exists today. In fact, I don't believe there will ever be another theocracy, until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
At the same time, we promote (which is exactly what we do by making it as easy as pie for pagans to set up religous shop on our soil) paganism and idolatry when we refuse to stand for the things of God.
You should consider your name sake. Jeremiah the Prophet. He wrote a book that shouldn't be altogether divorced from this discussion.
Who is refusing to stand for the things of God?
What I am standing for is the right of this private citizen to do what he wills with his property IAW the local laws and regualtions of NYC. I am AGAINST the Feds doing anything to nullify this Constitutionally granted right of that American citizen.
Further, I am against other private citizens mobilizing to nullify his Constitutionally granted right.
Today, the Muslim is stymied in his efforts to exercise his Constitutionally protected rights. Tomorrow, the Christian. I won't stand for either one of those situations.
I think what he is attempting to do is unnecessarilly hurtful.
So is waving the Stars and Bars. Many more attrocities were committed and many more people died under that flag. When I see it, it reminds me of racial hatred and violence. It doesn't affect my every day life, but if there was a flag to be burned, it would be that thing!
That same thing that so many seem to take pride in and have an affection for is the thing I find so distasteful about the South and those who wish to justify away the ugliness associated with that thing.