Originally Posted by Socialite
Many Christians accept evolution (theistic evolution they call it). It's certainly not a matter of one's salvation or even heresy. There's many unknowns that we are free to speculate.
My primary concern with brothers who espouse one of the views of theistic evolution is the idea of direct creation. I believe direct creation to be essential for the whole idea of Imago Dei and to fit Gen 1:26.
But it's unfortunate when we create dogma in areas where there is such uncertainty.
For that was Darwin's problem: to establish the plausibility of the very idea of evolution, Darwin felt that he had to undermine the older (and ultimately
biblically based) doctrine of species fixity. Stasis, to Darwin, was an ugly inconvenience."
If we study genetics, we see stasis. If we believe Darwin, we can't have species replicated the same way again and again with DNA.
There is gnashing of teeth by evolutionists when we say man did not evolve from unclean beasts or apes.