Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
I understand your point of view now.
How do you interpret the scriptures that point to GOD hardening Pharoah's heart?
How do you interpret the scriptures that clearly state that GOD knows who are His?
How do you interpret the scripture that no one can come unto the Father unless the Spirit draws them?
If we are a chosen generation and a royal priesthood, who chose us and who has annointed us? Was there a time that GOD did not know that we would be chosen and anointed?
From what I have heard from MacArthur, there is not any fear mongering in his sermons. There are clear declarations to depart form sin. He presents scriptural concepts for living in a way that is applicable today.
John MacArthur is no more POLYTHEISTIC than we are UNITARIAN.
the scripture tells us why;
Romans 9:7 For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.
No doubt; God uses who he chooses and with regard to His call to satisfy His divine purpose, yes he calls whom he chooses. No debate there. The problem is salvation, not one of a specific task for a specific reason.
Jesus said..."if I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me"...Calvary is the voice of God calling every human being back to God.
The generation of the Apostles was chosen for the specific task of delivering the message of Christ and saving the Jewish people before the destruction of Jerusalem. This generation shall not pass away...etc. Save yourself from this untoward generation...this was Peter's plea to those who murdered Christ.
Understand I am not saying McArthur isn't a man of God, etc. I am saying some of the doctrines he espouses IMO are unbiblical and damaging to love.
Truth is you can preach all you want to about sin, but until someone falls in love with Christ and his body, the selfishness will continue. The antidote for sin is God's love exampled by Christ. God's Agape love places others above yourself...loving God and others more than you love yourself; the first and greatest of all commands...one will rarely sin against others when he places them first; by loving them according to God's definition of love...
1 Cor 13.
Evil is simply the absence of God's love.