Originally Posted by pelathais
The corporate blessings and responsibilities are something quite different from the individual responsibility.
Ezekiel 18.
I suppose that there is a sense in which we could say "all were responsible" - but to be rigorously honest we'd have to admit that our own sins make each one of us responsible as well.
I already said everyone was responsible. But Israel was in a way the rest of the world was not. Peter said the HOUSE OF ISRAEL crucified Jesus. the bible dealt with Israel as a body. Corporate guilt was involved in the cross by Israel.
Israel, specifically Jerusalem, as a whole was considered the bride.
Ezekiel 16. He came to his own and his own received him not. He came for ALL Israel, not just a few. His bread was for all the children of Israel, not just a few. The gospel was meant to be given to all Israel at first before the gentiles. Not just a few Jews. Jesus said the entire generation of Jews in that day would experience wrath heaped up from centuries of murders since Abel's death. Jerusalem would go down, not just the parts where a few lived who were at the cross crying for Him to be crucified.
The only way to get out of that corporate guilt was what Peter said when he told them to repent and save themselves from that generation.