Re: Was every Jew responsible for the crucifixion?
Jesus was a Jew. Was he "responsible" for His own crucifixion? In a way, I suppose, "yes." But not morally responsible as a member of a "generation of vipers." Was Jesus a "viper?"
Was Mary, in the garden on the morning of the Resurrection, a representative of a "generation of vipers?" Did she somehow hope to atone for the "role" she played in the crucifixion with the spices and aloes she bore?
Peter's denial of Jesus merely saved Peter from suffering a crucifixion himself right then and there (at least it put off his own crucifixion for a couple of decades). But even Peter's curses had no bearing on whether Jesus would be crucified or not. The same can be said of the other disciples who all forsook Him and fled. They weren't "responsible" for Christ's death - and they were all Jews.
Is that one problem with a fundamentalist approach to Preteristism? It seems that by forcing the events of 70 A.D. into the scope of "fulfilled eschatology" they end up having to paint First Century Israel in an overly harsh manner.
When Jesus said, "... this generation of vipers," did He really intend that "all Jews who are alive at this moment are 'vipers?'" Or, did He simply mean that there was a "brood" - a living spawn of "vipers" who were His intended target?
Was the Jewish child that Jesus picked up and placed on his knee and of whom He said, "Of such are the Kingdom of God," a viper? Was this child "responsible" for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ? If so, then "of such are the Kingdom of God."
Last edited by pelathais; 08-18-2010 at 07:26 PM.