AH HA!!!! THIS is the point I was hoping to get to but I needed someone to say it before I could make the point. Thank you, Praxeas, for setting me up for the spike.
This gets SOOO old!!! If any of us have the audacity, the unmitigated gall, the nerve to call out the UPC for its abuses, heavy-handedness, political gimmickry, doctrinal heresies, or acrimonious dealings with individuals or groups, we get labeled "Bitter", "Angry", "Whiners", and the list goes on forever.
We have refused to be a part of THE SYSTEM. The only difference between us and John A. is, we have the guts to say "Why"!!!
It's interesting that SO many hold up Martin Luther as a patriarch, a bold confronter, a pioneer and a revolutionary. But us? If we DARE speak out about the untouchable UPC? We're "Bitter", "Blasting it", blah, blah, blah.
Jesus did it. Was he a bad buy too? Look at what he called the religious system of His day. If I came on here and said what he said, I'd get infracted for name calling!
John gets tired of the UPC being criticized. I, on the other hand, as well as many others, get TIRED of you people crying about some of us pointing out the TRUTH.