Shallow dweeb that I am, I venture timidly over into the "Deep Waters" section every now and then to partake of the wisdom and enlightenment that flows like water from the Intelligentsia..
So moving it here doesn't exactly keep anybody from bumping into it. I don't know why you would think that it would.
Having said that, it will be easy enough to ignore the thread.
I simply expressed an opinion, an unpopular one it seems. We still get to do that around these here parts, don't we?
I guess I need to know if you are wearing your admin hat or your foil hat currently, so that I can adjust the verbiage accordingly.
At any rate, if these conversations are what trips your trigger, be my guest.
But keep in mind that you are talking to a man who walked away from truth for perversion and deception of the most abominable kind, and who has embraced about as wicked and depraved a heresy as hell ever concocted.
The good Apostle Paul said a heretic who didn't turn it around after the second admonition was to be rejected.
How many admonitions are you all up to now?