The Spiritual Body -- Physical or Non-Physical?
Originally Posted by Praxeas
Can you guys restart this conversation in another thread? It sounds interesting but I would have to back up and read through a lot of posts. Can one of you start another thread and sum up the issue with some evidences please?
Adam was immortal and lost the kingdom and immortality, so Christ came to return that to us all. He is immortal as Adam would have been had Adam not fallen. And He is seated with the Father in His throne as Adam would have been had Adam not fallen. He is head of the human race as Adam would have been had Adam not fallen.
The immortality of Christ was what it means for Paul to say "The Lord from Heaven", which is the flesh we shall have in our resurrection. This is why it is said we shall be changed, since flesh as it is now cannot inherit the kingdom.
Mental wrote: Interesting. Are you thinking Christ has (and our resurrected bodies will have) spiritual flesh? I’ve always thought of it as being a spiritual body as opposed to flesh. In other words a spiritual body won't have flesh. That is part of the natural body.
"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
Last edited by mfblume; 07-22-2010 at 05:48 PM.