also, Paul did water baptize new converts. Even those that John had baptized according to what is written in Acts chapter 19.
What Paul was saying in 1st Corinthians chapter 1, is not that water baptism was not important, but because of their arguing about who had baptized them, most likely some there thinking Paul should be the one to do so, he was disgusted with them doing so, telling them he was glad that he had not baptized most of them. But then did say he had done so with some none the less. but it was not because he was saying they didn't need to be water baptized at all either.
As for his speaking of the preaching of the cross, he merely meant he was sent of God to preach all that the cross had brought for them to walk in, and not just part of it at all. Meaning therein he had been sent of God to preach the same thing that is written in
Acts 2:38, as well as how to continue on in the faith thereafter, which the cross also provided too. I mean, good Lord, if it wasn't for the cross, we would not have the ability to walk in the kingdom He brought for us to walk in here according to what is written in Rm. 14:17 at all.
But if you have not been baptized into or in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I have news for you. You need to do so in order for the old man to have been crucified that keeps all of us in bondage to sin in the first place, written about this in Rm. 6:6. Because that is what dies within you at that time, so that the New man can take over entirely within from then on. Not just within ones spirit, but also within the heart as well, changing both spirit and heart as a result of the veil being removed. Which does not happen until you are baptized into His death.
Also, Jesus was not speaking of himself when He was baptized at all. But telling us all he had to lead the way for us to follow after Him so that our own righteous could begin. Not His. But ours. Because it is He we are to follow after, isn't it, once you have repented, making the commitment to follow after Him from that day forth. And that is why he had to be baptized as I see it. I mean he was already righteous every whit, but we are not. And if you line that up with what it says about being baptized into or in the name of Jesus Christ written in Romans chapter 6, you can see why He did say that was the way for us to begin in righteousness totally. Because if you think you are going to begin in it while your old man is still alive, better think again.
Nor am I negating the importance of receiving the baptism in the Spirit either of course. But simply saying all three is commanded of all of us to be born again.