Re: Isaiah 3 and jewelry...
Well, at least I can tell where both of you stand RDP and Jeff. Believe it or not it has been a contrast worth reading from my perspective. I can honestly see the points both of you are making and why you are making said points.
My only observation is this, and this is just my own experience talking, it is not my job to try and convince somebody that they are wrong on issues that they may take what is referred to as "Ultra Conservative", I realize way to much energy will be wasted in trying to de-bunk something an individual really feels strongly and passionately about concerning the scriptures.
Having said that, in matters that are conviction oriented on a personal level, and have no bonds to every individuals salvation in Christ, I respect there view, and same in vice versa. I suppose the only concern left would be if any one uses the pulpit or platform of witness to label and call something sin that the Bible does not designate as such, but obviously we could digress on this rather easily.
Basically...I respect both RDP and Jeffery for there individual thought out views on this subject, thanks for sharing.