Re: Were The Israelites Black?
Originally Posted by seekerman
In response to several posts.
Black Africa, equatorial Africa, has never contributed much of anything of value to civilization. Name a few of the contributions if you will. Even today, in this modern world, Black Africa, equatorial Africa is consistently at the bottom of the standard of living of the nations of the world. Black Africa isn't on the cutting edge of advanced technology, education, longevity or much of anything else.
The best thing that happened to the Black culture was the Blacks in Africa raiding various inland villages and selling their countrymen into slavery. Only when exposed to a more advanced culture has the Black culture improved.
Why not just be honest concerning history and cultures folks?
The Israelites couldn't have been Black.
I have never ever asked Admin publicly or privately to ban someone but this is the first time.
Permanently ... IP and all.
God forgive you .... for condoning slavery.
Sickening and Tear-provoking
Last edited by DAII; 07-15-2010 at 08:25 PM.