Originally Posted by Maximilian
Not sure I agree, Mike. But fortunately it's not a deciding factor for fellowship
Why use cubits if that means nothing to me when it meant something to the original audience? Why use language that I can't relate to? What's the point?
The authors originally used a language that was understood to the original audience.
The number of cubits is the point.
For example, and this is not exhaustive. 50 is used in Jubilee, Pentecost, etc. 30 is used for maturity as in age for priesthood and Christ's ministry start. 300 is remnant, as in the 300 foxes Samson set loose in the fields, and the 300 men Gideon wound up with. The ark was 50 cubits, by 300 by 30. You see no significance in that? Certain numbers rise forth again and again in scripture, and they are related in this sense.