Originally Posted by pelathais
Padfield erred, badly. You have followed his error. Read the source material that you yourself posted. All of them said it could either be "repent" or "baptism" that is being modified by the prepositional phrase beginning with "eis" in Acts 2:39.
A typo that got by me.
Acts 2:38. All of the sources that TL posted here:
They all agree to the ambiguity of the "for" (Greek "eis") debate concerning
Acts 2:38. Just read what was posted by TL himself. They all say it could either be "Repent" or "be baptized" that is being modified by the prepositional phrase "for the remission of sins."
Thus it could be read, "because your sins are remitted" or "in order that your sins might be remitted." We need more than just this one verse to understand the gospel.