Re: Tattoos
Important to know that the "your body is the house of worship for God.. or the temple" was used to talk about the meaning of our flesh and behavior on earth to Corinthians who were fornicating like it was going out of style.
So your body being a Temple means his Spirit is housed within you, he lives in you. It's a spiritual thing. Our behaviors and actions should be that of one that houses the Spirit of God. Of course, Paul's ultimate exhortation on this is "be who you are." It has MUCH to do with BEING, in other words our actions, and not acting like heathens (fornicating, murdering, lying, stealing). To proof-text this for tattoos would be unfortunate. Though I've heard it done. Of course, they stop short of carrying out the logic to hamburgers, fast food, eating after 6pm and not exercising regularly. Let's not get into new age body worship, keep a balanced view of staying healthy because we are made in His image, and just let the Gospel bleed out of us.