Originally Posted by DAII
SEM stands for Spanish Evangelism Ministries.
It is presently a dept. within Home Missions and is the oldest of the multi-cultural ministries within the UPCI.
Presently, the SEM director is a friend of mine, Sergio Vitanza. Formerly it was Elias Limones and before him, Dan Scott.
The annual SEM conference is taking place right now in Raleigh, NC.
This is night #2. It is webcasted @ www.mundopentecostal.com
Tomorrow is the final night.
In a fellowship of 3000 plus churches, there an estimated 500 plus Spanish speaking churches and works.
Dan Scott was the head of Spanish Ministries? I know nothing about nothing here and it's also the first I'd heard of this division, but I have to ask....Why was a guy with a name like "Fred Smith", or "Bob Johnson", or "Dave Anderson" the head of Spanish Ministries and not a guy like, "Antonio Gonzalez" if you get my drift?