Originally Posted by Baron1710
Here is the thing though, most modern translation have a wide cross section of views that are brought to the translation. Not just one denomination. So the bias is balanced by varying viewpoints. If the UPCI wanted to produce a study Bible like the Spirit Filled Study Bible or something like that that you know is going to have a twist to it, my daughter has a Justice and Poverty Bible but you know the slant.
The UPCI takes issue with a few passages that don't fit well in their theology, a study Bible would seem to be a better use of time and resources than re-translating passages that would look 99% like every other modern translation. A New Oneness Translation (NOT)would be a public relations nightmare and the label of cult would be hard to shake. It just smacks of the JWs.
And so far there has not been one person put forward that has verifiable credentials in the Oneness camp that could undertake such a task, much less a committee full of them. As much as I love the teachings of Dr. Segraves his education doesn't lend itself to translations, nor does Bernard or Crownover.
Very few translations take into account Unitarians, modalists or arians. A translation where the committee were made up of Oneness would not be unique since most translations are done by committees made up of Trinitarians now..
But it's moot since as far as I know the Oneness movement does not have on hand a number of Hebrew and greek scholars..and I emphasize the word Scholar.
Segraves is not a greek scholar. He knows some greek on a good level but not enough to be considered for serious translation.
However if the OPs want to bring on some of their own with other real greek scholars that are Trinitarian and unitarian then that might prove to be an interesting translation
BTW Nathaniel Urshan was on the NKJV committee. He did not translate anything but was involved in the over all process