[JoeHardy07]Hey guys,
Need to apologize to ya! Didn't mean to cause a ruckus. Just trying to get some opinions of why and how these things came into the church.
However, I have to stand firm on my own opinions. I'm not deceiving myself. Peter did in fact deny they were drunk. The problem with that passage is this: the way it's written makes it subject to being twisted to mean anything. And my argument is solid because in the half dozen out-pouring recordings there is not a single mention of any of our "drunken activities." I understand what was said about not following scripture to a T, but dont you think that with a half dozen recordings that at least
once in there the jirating and screaming would have been mentioned?
ABSOLUTELY WE DISAGREE...PETER NEVER DENIED THEY WERE DRUNK .. post it scripture and verse.. does a person have to shout and dance around nope,, but it sure feels good. and he said glorify god in your body and your spirit .. this body is all we got to praise him with. if you choose not too then fine ...but why dog out others that do like it .. you have your opinion no matter how far in left field i believe it is ,,and your enitiled to it. but why drag others down or put what they do down...?? i feel it is to make you feel better about not haveing real holy ghost fire . or a burning desire to worship. i am not saying you dont love god i am sure you do ...you simply have a calmer approach and dont like the wilder churches .. thats fine .. there a pentecostal ,smart bible readers class church just for you somewhere.. however you might not want to come to decherd tenn. its gonna get loud and its gonna get wild to some degree anyhow lol.
It isn't.
And I totally agree with the "all things in common" comment. Seems like no one ever reaches that part when billowing about the great and wonderful Holy Ghost of Acts chapter 2...lol...always seem to leave that part out...
What happens after a Holy Ghost service nowadays? Anyone who can afford it meets up for a fine meal and fellowship at McDs or whatever. Ha ha!ANYTHING WRONG WITH THIS?
As far as a lively church and falling asleep amidst a bunch of dead-heads, that's the flesh talking. We think if the music is not loud and fast, and the people are not jirating acroos the floor, that God's Spirit is not there. Bummer. That sure isnt what's recorded in Acts.flesh talking? NO EXPERIENCE been there done that ...i like crying services where conviction is all over folks and slow songs is that bad too? i like teaching service where we do just sit and learn . i like it all bro. you cant just do one thing and have a well balanced meal.
By the way, does anyone know what the angel did after he rolled away the stone from Jesus tomb? That dead-head sat on it!! The presence of God was all around and that dead-head hopped up on top of that stone and sat on it!!! (Matt 28:2). Now if he can't dance and shout down here in the presence of God...how's he gona dance in heaven??? he might have sat down because he was tired from shouting....
Hey, thanks for bringing up Holy Laughter too. Forgot about that one! LOL![/QUOTE]
now go drink fronm the well., that never shall run dry one more time!