Originally Posted by Ferd
"There's nothing inherently contradictory in saying we believe in smaller government and demanding that the government protect public safety," Brooks said.
Quoted from the article. and that is about as far as anyone needs to read. It sint interesting. It is simple truth. It is what all conservatives believe.
It is also noteworthy that this was the quote you lifted from the article when it is obvious that the quote you lifted does not fit the overall theme of the article.
I guess my fellow conservatives want the government to run like their cable company-- "government on demand."
Oh and not one red cent of taxes should be raised by the local, state or federal government to help "fix" the Gulf Coast region and beyond who will be affected by this.
We all know the "gubment" got money dey just don't tell us bout!
And I know dey hidin' them aliens out dere in Area 51-- Obama probly goin ta release 'em to destroy the whole country in 2012, mark mah words!