Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
You sure are ascribing a lot of negativity to this man of God.
LOL. All in good humor - Considering the negativity that he heaps upon those with a different viewpoint, I'd say he's probably used to it.
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
I think you are over reacting here, and maybe even insulting to the writer's intentions.
The writer's intentions were clearly intended to be insulting. I had hung back earlier and didn't express what I thought to be the rather obvious family connections involved. "Crazy Joe" let that cat out of the bag.
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
Honestly, what I gathered from the article was that he is urging that Pentecostal churches remain Pentecostal in worship and experience.
I would even take it one step further-- people should be able to tell you are a Christian in the way you dress. I'm not talking standards, but the Bible speaks very clearly about modesty.
The man accused his own nephew of conducting worship services "like... druggies." He then belittled the years of hard work this pastor had put into his congregation. That cuts pretty deep.
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
The manifestation of the Holy Ghost in our services SO PRECIOUS! It is the Grace of God that allows us to experience Him in this way.
And would you like to hear what some of these hardliners have to say about your church and your pastor?
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
Why would we want to allow anything into our churches that has the potential to take something so precious away from our services?
We don't! But there are those who will complain about every worship chorus that you sang last week and compare your style of worship with something "ungodly."
You are fortunate, JD and I don't know if you really understand how blessed you are. You've never had the "standards nazis" tear you down before entire audiences of people using insinuation and false accusations to try and undermine the good work that God was doing in your life or through your ministry.
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
Music plays a role, and I am talking more than just preferences.