I have made a decision I am going to do something that many successful church planters have done like Rick Warren, Craig Groschel, and Bill Hybels among others.
I am going to visit 500-1,000 homes on the weekends and simply ask the community what they think a church should be doing to make S. Florida a better place.
Hi my name is___________ we are taking an opinion poll of our
community. I’m not here to sell you anything or sign you up for anything.
I’d just like to ask you five questions. There is no right or wrong answer,
and it will only take about two minutes.
1. What do you think is the greatest need in this area?
2. Are you actively attending any church?
3. Why do you think most people don’t attend church?
4. If you were to look for a church to attend, what kind of things
would you look for?
What could I do for you?
What advice can you give to someone who really wants to be helpful to