Re: The AFF Cesspool of Compromise
Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
While we all may be different this is a forum that allows different opinions....I personally don't agree with all opinions and I am sure many do not agree with me but here is a real chance to be kind even to those that differ...Here is a chance to examine and see other points of view on any given subject.
If we cannot be kind to those that differ with us then I even wonder if we are christians?
I find it easy to be kind...most of the time...ha....
I really don't even know 2 UC churches that agree on every dot of the I and cross of the T....
I know some that stand on their turfs preaching against things that none of them wonder they get so many amens....
How about taking Jesus to the witchdoctor? Or talking to a priest about a deeper walk with Christ? Many would be speechless....
Take Christ to the druggies...the wine-o's....the streets....the mission fields... Make and take soup to the hungry...pass out toys to the kids in the slums...preach to the bandits...and in the jails and prisons....
It is easy to talk about those that are a little different than us but before we talk about them we should do more than they do....
Take a trip to the underground them worship in silence....
We will not only have to stand in Judgment with the UC's we will stand in judgment with people that are marked by chains from communist prisons...people who were tortured for Christ...people that had their tongues pulled out and their eyes pierced out....
We will stand in Judgment with a lot of people that loved Jesus and love Jesus…so be careful how you judge for with what judgment you judge you will be judged.
And yes I do believe there is a plan of salvation and a whole lot of other things….
HOWEVER I believe in the fruit of the spirit also....
Very good post.
"If you're riding ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it's still there."