Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne
Carp, I have to ask just because I'm curious.
You identified the skirt people, but I wonder, would you have recognized the men if their wives didn't draw your attention to them? I mean, would you have held the door and spoke to them that way (not meaning unkindly, but perhaps not saying anything) if your attention wasn't drawn to them?
Actually, this is an interesting question. I remember I was in NC staying at a hotel, and I noticed a bunch of guys there, carrying bibles, carrying on, and I thought...hmmm, these look like Apostolic types...sure enough, it was a men's meeting/service/crusade, and I met a few big names telling them I was from Denver and __________'s church, which got me an audience walking down the hall toward the ballroom.
This was the only time I ever recognized an Apostolic man in public apart from the hairy unwashed.