Re: For those that left the UPC...
Originally Posted by GraceAmazing
I think we should be on the same page too. I am going to try to be patient. In the meantime, I think I am going to fight feeling like a hypocrite, because I am in leadership at my church.
Did you and your husband sit down and explain to your pastor why you were leaving? How did you tell him?
I don't think there will ever be a complete healing...there are many things that I can't share on here about being treated badly and at times "spiritually abused" by ministry. I suppose that happens in other churches too...but why does it seem so prevalent in certain ones? I don't understand.
I can empathise with you about the spiritual abuse, my wife had two or three ministers wives treat her differantly just because I let my license go back with UPC. She still has a hard time at times over this. As for being a hyporcirte, forget that, you are in submition to your husband no hypocrisy there. We will pray that God will give you wisdom to handle things as he leads.
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