‘Day Without Mexicans’ planned
As a protest against Arizona’s controversial immigration law, the chambers of commerce from Nuevo Laredo to Matamoros have agreed to set May 25 as a “Day Without Mexicans” on the South Texas border.
No one's seeking to "live without Mexicans" - except perhaps the Mexican elites in Mexico itself. Those poor folk are expensive to house, feed and provide for when you're trying to run a very tightly controlled economy that pours the slop into just your own trough. Better to send them North and then complain about "discrimination."
American liberals are such saps that they'll line up and demand that other people pay to support public services for these unfortunate people. That's why American liberals are in such close step with the Mexican elites - both groups want somebody else to fix society's ills and they want somebody else to pay for it.
If Zachary Scott had had his way, everything "from Nuevo Laredo to Matamoros" would have been annexed to the US and all of the people in the region would already be US citizens long ago.
AND... "Matamoros" means literally:
"KILL THE MUSLIMS!" What's with