Originally Posted by Jeffrey
I have no problem saying what I say on here in person. Let it be known.
I just wouldn't say it en masse, or announce it in a forum of hundreds. This is an environment where I don't have to dot my 'i's' and cross my 't's. I've corrected myself before. I've been corrected before. I've said stupid stuff before. I've said (hopefully) things that weren't so stupid. Either way, this isn't about people's individual egos as much as a place to bounce off opinions (hopefully opinions substantiated by facts).
To corner anyone with an anonymous name as a softy is just plain ignorant. It's not fear of personal safety that many use anonymity, it's fear of making the argument more about the person. You'd be surprised the who the individuals are that log-on (and some participate) on AFF.
Didn't you read where Paul beat up the Jews who wouldn't listen to him? Or was that Saul before he was converted? Or was it the Jews who beat up paul? Whose exmaple should I follow?!?! Confused!