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Old 05-18-2010, 01:39 PM
Gods_Chosen_85 Gods_Chosen_85 is offline
Registered Oneness Pentecostal

Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: West Monroe, LA
Posts: 19
State of tHe Average "Christian"

Rebellious! Disobiedent! Self-Righteous! Un-Holy! Un-Repented!

This has become the spiritual state of the AVERAGE "Christians" today!
To many Christians profess Jesus Christ with thier lips but thier hearts and the lives they live are far from Christ! We go to church and sit on our pews, and for the more involved people; we may even run, shout, dance, and clap our hands but it has become a show and routine that people expect of us!

We claim to be holy and yet we sit in front of a television or movie screen on a daily basis and fill our eyes and our hearts with every lustful, adulterous, murderous, fornicating imagery we can find. We watch our shows with the "funny" innuendos and gorey violence...the music we listen to isnt any better and we still claim to be a holy people!

We want Jesus to save us from hell but not from our sins! We take bibical truths and twist them to make us feel comfortable! We gossip and tear down the lives of our brothers and sisters in the name of godly concern for thier salvation! We readily embrace conformity and compromise in the name of being relevant!

We stick our nose up at those that arent like us and our love for others has grown cold. We no longer feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and visit those in prison out of true concern but out of a disgruntled obligation!

Yet in our own eyes we are right and feel God is pleased with us! We feel that we or the ideal Christian and people should be more like us and if they arent we cast them aside as nothing! We live in our sins unrepented and rebelllious to the Word of God.

We as a body have become lukewarm and apathetic, the body desires to be more like the world instead of being seperated from the world. And when someone stands up and tries reel us in before we get to far out we label them as conservative, legalistic, old fashioned, and cultic!

There are somethings in the bible that should not be up for debate! Im not saying you cant ask questions but we need to watch our attitudes behind the questioning!

The State of The Average Christian is... We need to get our act together, get back into the Word, and learn what it really means to walk in Holiness before its too late!

This will not pertain to everyone but to more than would actually like to think so!
:It is time for us Christians, to face up to our responsibility for holiness. Too often we say we are “defeated” by this or that sin. No, we are not defeated; we are simply disobedient. It might be well if we stopped using the terms victory and defeat to describe our progress in holiness. Rather we should use the terms obedience and disobedience.

Last edited by Gods_Chosen_85; 05-18-2010 at 01:57 PM.
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