Originally Posted by rgcraig
Let's just play this game.
PO - - you wake up tonight and God has visited you in a dream and revealed to you that cutting your hair is okay. So, tomorrow you go cut it and show up at church Sunday morning with your new do.
Sis. Sour comes up to you crying and just heartbroken that you've done this and says, "you know you've been taught better than that. I can't believe you are willing to go to hell over your hair. Since you've chosen this path, my husband and I can no longer fellowship with you - you are a backslider and light and dark can't have dinner together anymore."
God let you know what you are doing is okay with him - you have peace about that.
You've said nothing to Sis. Sour to make her upset with you. Yet, she's cut you off.
Cut it short or trim the ends? LOL! I would never cut my hair short and remain in a church that taught against it. Why would I do that? It would bring on so much confusion and hurt.
We went through a church split years ago and had to take a stand against the pastor, who was in sin. 70/30 slit. We were in the 30.
My best friend's husband said this about me, "I am very disappointed in her. I thought she was more spiritual than that." She took her husband's side.
It cut me to the quick! I couldn't eat lunch after the Sunday morning service, I was sick at my stomach. I went into the bedroom to pray and God gave me a song. I said, "God, I don't know all of the words. Would you please show me the whole song?"
That Thursday morning, at Ladies prayer meeting, our speaker said, "God gave me this song on the way here today and I want to sing it to you." It was the song God had given me that past Sunday morning. I can't remember it today, but all it does is show that when we are walking right, God will never leave us.
Don't know why I wanted to tell that.