Originally Posted by Mr. Steinway
In a sense, Ferd is giving the real world view. For whatever reason, the people at the church that he left will say what they're going to say, and there's nothing he can do about it but pay attention or ignore it. That is the price one pays when they leave a close knit community like that in favor of something they perceive to be better.
Time to man up and move on, or humbly retreat! There's nothing in between.
Yeah, that's helpful and comforting advice:
by the Great Counselor, Ferd Oh good grief. what a silly post!
I am supposed to believe that you have been in leadership in a conservative UPCI church for years now and you are “shocked” that those folks are worried about you since it seems you are “going charismatic”?
Get real dude, you know full well what the attitudes are in conservative circles about those who are more liberal than they are. And if you have been any kind of leader at all, you know the people of your church as well as you know anyone on the planet.
So you are “shocked” because it helps your conscience or you aren’t shocked at all and this is just another chance to “bash the UltraCons”.
He only said he was shocked by how people he loved has treated him. That's it. This whole man up trash is senseless.