Originally Posted by *AQuietPlace*
But this is not a church, this is a message board, and as individuals we're just saying - 'yeah, that's about what is to be expected, unfortunately'.
That's not downplaying his hurt. Most of us are VERY aware of the pain involved. It stinks. I wish it didn't happen like that. I hope someday that it changes. It has in some places. Hopefully, over time, this will become a rarity.
But, for now.... this is not unusual. Unfortunately. And if the original poster truly was surprised, then he must have a pretty unusual church if he's never witnessed this reaction before.
No one's saying it's okay.
This is a message board of believers.
I'm not hearing:
'yeah, that's about what is to be expected, unfortunately'. Ferd, with many of other's "amen" and blessing, basically rebuked the guy.
What happened to "sorry that has happened" and a follow-up with questions. Instead, he got a big slap in the face. I don't see how you or others thinking this is common, is an excuse to call this guy out for "being shocked."
Knowing it and experiencing it are not the same. And unfortunately, not many critique their own church, or have taken times to deal with issues they see. It's business-as-usual. So when a crisis like leaving the church happens, they are personally SEEING the fangs.