Originally Posted by Pressing-On
You don't know what TS thinks until he types what he thinks.
I think we all know how far we can take something like that. If I thought of Brad Pitt when I'm intimate with my husband, I'd have to be stupid to think there is nothing wrong with that.
Sister that would be the same thing as what Jesus spoke about in
Mat 5:28.
To think you were with any other man while being with your husband is spiritual adultry. Fantasy starts in the mind, but sooner than later oppurtunity makes a way for the fantasy to become physical fact.
Originally Posted by Pressing-On
If I find myself doing something like that, I need to ask God to help me stop doing it. I think you would have to train your thoughts over and over until you stopped.
If someone was doing something like that all they needed to do was stop.
Asking God to help us to stop, is like asking God to do something against our will. The answer from God would be...to just stop it. Being with a spouse while thoughts are on others is due to being not in love with the one your with. If John doesn't love Mary, John is going to let his mind wander. If Mary doesn't like John, then her mind is going to be on the paper back heros.
Love one another, and then you won't sin against each other.
Originally Posted by Pressing-On
We also cannot allow condemnation to overtake us either. We have to know that we must keep trying until we have overcome the thing. We just have to keep trying.
Children cannot pick their parents, what they get is what they get. That's too bad sometimes. Because mommy and daddys should be adult enough to at least get their act together especially for the children. Overcoming is through prayer and fasting. Dedication to God would go hand and hand to dedication to spouse and children. If a person cannot be dedicated to the person[s] he or she can see, how can they say they are dedicated to the God they cannot see?
In Jesus name
Brother Benincasa