Jesus was foretold to sit at the right hand throne of the kingdom in
Psalm 110:1. That Psalm is the most oft-quoted Old Testament passage in the entire New Testament. Peter quoted it on the day of Pentecost. Paul quoted it in reference to the resurrection and coming of Jesus.
Hebrews 10 quoted it in reference to the finished work of the cross. It even has corresponding visions of it in Revelation.
The right hand throne is atop Mount Zion! As David conquered Zion and set up his throne here, God promised David He would raise up his Seed to sit on the throne on Zion. This was fulfilled when Jesus sat down on the right hand.
I just read the account of Stephen's martyrdom in Acts, and noted that Stephen said he saw Jesus standing at the right hand. Seeing something indicates revelation in the bible. Stephen saw Kingdom Revelation when he said he saw Jesus at the right hand.
Paul prayed that our eyes would be opened to understand the power God directs towards us. He said this power is equal to the power wherewith He raised up Christ to sit at the right hand over all powers. And we read on that we are, in fact, seated with Christ at that right hand seating.
Putting all of this together made me realize that when we get Kingdom Revelation and UNDERSTAND Jesus really is at the right hand throne of this Kingdom, something explodes in our faith. Stephen was able to die as the first Christian martyr in victory without the least fear, and actually repeated similar words of Jesus that the Lord spoke when He was dying on the cross. "Lay not this sin to their charge".
When we receive Kingdom Revelation, we will speak and act like Jesus! All of us are called to carry our crosses and follow the Lord. It may take physical death one day, but all of us must die everyday to self, and we can do that and live and speak like the Lord with KINGDOM REVELATION!