Re: STARTLING! LARRY BOOKER'S Latest Message!!!(wa
Bro. Larry Booker is one of the greatest preachers and men of God that you will ever have the pleasure to meet. No one that is trying to live a full Christian life should have a T.V. in their home, but if you think about it computer is just as bad. You can fault a man of God preaching or not being a part of what he feels is a threat to the very Christian way of life. Sit down and write the good you see on T.V. & and then the bad. Just in one hour of T.V. you will be surprised as to how long your bad list is. Not to mention that it takes away from prayer time, and sports that has even consumed the minds of Christians during just the Super Bowl. If there is a disagreement with what a preacher believes leave it to God, and pray for what your conviction is on T.V.