Originally Posted by Sam
Jesus did not say a person had to be born again of the water and the spirit.
He answered Nicodemus' question about how a person can be born when he is old or already born and showed him the difference between the first birth (born of water referencing the water or amniotic fluid that accompanies that first birth) and the second birth or rebirth which is accomplished by the Holy Spirit. He then goes on (in verses 10-21) and explains that the new birth happens when one believes in Jesus. In verse 14 He uses the illustration of how the sinning Israelites were healed by looking upon the serpent on the pole to show how folks are healed/saved/born again in this NT or Kingdom age by looking by faith upon Jesus on the cross. In verse 11 He says that He and others know people and have seen people who have been born again.
Amazing, isn't it, how easy it is to
slightly misquote something and in so doing,
completely change the theology. I heard
Acts 2:37 quoted all my life as, "Men and brethren, what must we do to be saved?" Uh oh.....it's not there.