Re: A Loving appeal to those that wear makeup
We should all work out our salvation with fear and trembling...eternity is a long time to be wrong...
While I try not to judge the Bible does say a tree is known by its fruits...It is what is inside the tree that determines the fruit it bears.
Often we humans (me included) are so pronged to take things at first glance...If dress alone made someone holy all of us are surpassed by the moslem women and Catholic nuns of South America...
If a simple type life style made someone more holy that the one who drives the BMW then the godless indians of the jungles have it made for their life style is simple...If plain clothes makes a person holy then the old order Amish will sail on in without a problem...
If living in convents, communities, or whatever will save then we are losing our time....
However if becoming a follower of Jesus Christ will save us then that is a complete different story...
He gave us a lot of things to live by...Maybe we should begin with Matt. chapters 5, 6, and 7...
Maybe we should learn about love the greatest commandment of them all...for by love shall all men KNOW we are his disciples...
In His book he left us all guidelines...Study the New Testament...(not that the OT is not powerful) but the NT contains the plan for us today.
Well, I must go to a morning service....more later....
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