The Perception of Weakness Emboldens Our Enemies
If history has taught us anything it has time and again revealed that despots, dictators, tyrants and evil world leaders aren't touched or moved with compassion by efforts to tone down the rhetoric, appear reluctant to use force or have an aversion to war. The perception of weakness emboldens our enemies. Hitler wasn't won over by Chamberlain. Our reluctance to take an offensive posture with the Viet Cong didn't stop them from attacking South Vietnam and eventually running us out on a rail. Clinton's reluctance to apprehend Bin-laden when he had a chance didn't convince him and his cronies that we were nice guys after all. The Clinton Administration's weak responses to the series of terror attacks throughout the 90s convinced Al-Qaeda we did not have the will to fight.
This scaling down of our nuclear arsenal and adopting policies where we limit our use of nuclear weapons may get applause and praise from those who are already our allies and it may impress the New York media elites, the Washington cocktail party circuit, Hollywood celebrities, college and university academics and the naïve liberal left, but Mr. Ahmadenijhad, the leaders of Hezbollah, Hamas, Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, Hugo Chavez and other murderous leaders who want and are working for the demise of the US are smiling and thinking, "They are weak." Toughness is the only language that garnishes any respect and engenders any fear in the hearts of totalitarians.
BO and his ideologues don't get it...
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.