Originally Posted by pelathais
No. See: Genesis 7:11-12. "... the rain was upon the earth..." after the "windows" in the firmament were opened. Liquid water is NOT the same thing as ice in this context.
Is there water on Mars?
See also this link.
But we're still waiting for you to show us the pictures of the "interstellar clouds of water." You've taunted me about them... lets see what you've got Chris. Show us the pictures. You've been Googling frantically the last two days for them. You've tried to stall by taunting me but time's up: show us the pics!
This is a picture of a stellar cloud I found...
And you still haven't answered my questions either.
I think we're on two different wave lengths.
Where is the watery abyss that was held back by the "firmament?"
You said you had picture of this. Now show us.
I didn't mean that I have a picture of an abyss. I did say that I had pictures of interstellar clouds (from Google lol) that have ice particles (water) that are in the abyss of space.
(I'm secretly hoping that you'll try and get us to envision the earth passing through something like the Orion nebula and saying this was the cause of the flood. You've been close, it's in the back of your mind... why don't you go for it?).
It was a thought rattling around in my head, yes. But I'm an honest man. I couldn't see how earth passing through one of these "clouds" would produce the biblical flood... so I didn't say anything.