In the end, this HMH stuff ain't about studying the Word, symposiums, convictions, is it?
Maybe it's just about $$$$$$$$$ and the the printings of books like Power Before the Throne, that according to Ruth Harvey ... sold at least 20,000 copies within the first 6 weeks ... now in its 8th or 9th printing ... even in Spanish.
That this book provided for her very livilihood after her divorce and has meant $$$ for the failing PPH in sorely needed revenue .... is no fairy tale.
Hear from 30 - 50 minute marks.
While men like David Bernard speak at the same Holiness conference in Wisconsin .... and write that these hair layings are just "focusing of faith" months later .... giving it all a "free pass".
As Reider says in regards to makeup, "follow the money trail"???!!!!