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Old 03-18-2010, 03:50 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 2,351
Re: Noah and the Ark

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
When it comes to Noah and the ark I firmly believe in a literal global flood. I believe that nearly 7000 species of land animals could fit on the ark (Halley’s Bible Commentary). I believe that the animals that were loaded onto the ark were led to the ark by the hand of God. This would require geography somewhat different than what we see today. There would be a necessity for “land bridges” linking the major land masses on earth. I believe that the “windows of heaven” and that the “fountains of the deep” were opened. I believe that this was the most catastrophic event our world as seen in its existence. When the entire world was covered with water for nearly 370 days excessive amounts of this flood water was frozen in the Polar Regions. When the flood subsided 150 days later most of this frozen water remained frozen in the Polar Regions. With excessive amounts of water frozen in the Polar Regions after the flood subsided sea level was significantly lower than it is today. I believe that many “land bridges” were present linking most of the major land masses on earth. As animals multiplied and migrated with the stabilizing climate they were able to migrate to more distant parts of the earth via these “land bridges”. Some human beings migrated on exploratory expeditions also. However, the majority of mankind remained in one place, eventually settling in Shinar. For the next 101 years after the flood the climate on earth was still stabilizing from the flood. The flood waters frozen in the Polar Regions (as glaciers) were melting causing sea levels to slowly rise globally. As sea levels rose slowly each “land bridge” vanished, one by one. After 101 years the last “land bridge” linking major land masses (continents) was covered by rising sea water. Perhaps this was the Bearing Straight. I believe that this event was very significant for early humanity because now mankind was cut off from being able to reach the most distant places on earth. I believe we read about this in Genesis,
Genesis 10:25a
“And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one [was] Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided;
It’s very possible that the earth is still stabilizing from the flood and this is why as ice caps fluctuate science is discovering a general retreating of the ice caps leading them to the conclusions that propose global warming. All of this would mean that our world is covered with more water today than prior to the flood. The implication is that the flood waters are still upon the earth defining coastlines as we know them today.

As far as the seas go, I believe that prior to the flood salinity in the oceans wasn’t as extreme as it is today. I believe that the flood most likely claimed most of the animals living in the seas. However, enough of the species that we see today survived. I believe that after the flood salinity levels in the oceans was greater and that sea life adapted or migrated as necessary to the various depths and regions were they could live comfortably. Life always finds a way.

I believe that the effects of this most devastating event and the geological remains left in its wake are very difficult to understand (and are definitely misunderstood by evolutionary science), especially since we’ve never witnessed such a globally devastating event. When evolutionists review the data they come at said data from the presupposition that there isn’t a God and that the earth has been “evolving” naturally over billions of years. Through this presupposition they interpret the data. Creationists come at the data from the presupposition that there is a God and that the Bible is God’s Word regarding how he created the earth and the events that transpired afterwards (including the flood).

At the end of the day the question is simply this… Whose report will you believe?

I believe that while we might not understand it today, someday during Christ’s reign we’ll learn how the Bible was right after all and how misguided evolutionary science truly is today. If we compromise for evolutionary science we'll be left looking pretty stupid when we stand before Jesus.
Chris, I understand your approach and feelings about this catastrophic event that stumps pure science. I wouldn't be truthful if I told you I have felt the same way in the past. But as life has unfolded many unexpected things, and experience has become the great teacher it has, my views have changed entirely about dramatized and extreme stories that fail the test of being proven. I’ve just seen too many broken promises and let downs in modern Church Culture.

The one thing you'll notice in your post, it is full of assumptions; your ideas. What you feel, regardless of the facts. I have been so guilty of this in the past, and my “God Said” ideas are now coming back to haunt me. Speaking of yesterdays or the days to come must not only be done with caution, it must be done with great care and research, otherwise we set ourselves up for scrutiny that can destroy our reputation. I’ve watched so many people over the years say things, especially in the realm of Prophecy that brought total discredit to the person. It’s real easy to say or believe in things that can't be proven. With no guage, endless presumption can flow.

When we "Stage" past events upon what we believe or presume, disregarding the Facts, we insult the Creator of our Universe by believing in Myths that have been proven to be false. We also cancer the clear understanding that God is very much in touch with us through the things which He has made for us to observe with our human bodies. The more we build on Faith based assumptions, the further away God becomes, allowing Religion her march forward to manipulate the ignorant, leaving the door wide open to make up whatever we want.

It is more than evident, we see through History where the Church has had to "Adjust" its opinions because "We now know". To continue our quest for Truth, embracing something that clearly defies sound logic and principle also corrupts the basis for morals. Right and Wrong are less defined because conceptual intelligence forms in the womb of "Maybe".

It's no wonder that people can't decide if they're saved or not. Trying to figure out who's right and wrong on the subject is buried beneath a billion debates, with still no solid answer. And this is what has led me to give people answers that can be measured rather than assumed.

I tell people about love by measuring my own experience of love. I tell people about patience by my own experience of being patient. I tell people about suffering by my own experience of suffering. I find that if we can clearly point people in a direction by actual events that can be validated, the distance between God and Man is removed. In other words, the Bible never says that the Prodigal son’s father ever went to look for him, but experiences of my own say he did. This severs concepts easily born that make God a distant and unloving Maker, bringing the Lord directly into where we live.

I’ve come to learn that we extract Truth from the Bible by our lives (Reality), and if we’re honest, we can see God’s Face in the midst of a million voices that say otherwise. What better place to understand the Creator, than to learn of His Creation. The song of birds, the distant sunset, and the power of love between mankind can breathe into us the very Truth that is spoken about in the Scripture.

Original Manuscripts are nowhere to be found. Only copies exist, leaving great room for Religions ploy to taint what does remain, giving us our current Translations that reek with Religious pitch and clamor. We are at the mercy of this Book that we are told, “Never to question”, leaving us to believe the entire content is Sacred. Even if we are to find flaw and error, there are those who stand and cry, “Rebellion! Evil! Off with their heads!”

If the story of Noah is found flawed by science and the facts, then maybe there is something else there for us to learn. I don't believe God is displeased with those who are truly searching past the Traditions or Stories that the Church demands us to believe in. Why do I know this? Because I'm a father who listened to my children when they came to me with their confusion, only wanting a strait answer.
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