04-26-2007, 10:05 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2007
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Originally Posted by Chan
Yes, I did ask.
Yes, and the Corinthian church had a member that was sleeping with his step mother and that church didn't do anything about it until Paul told them to put that man out of the church for a time. He later told them to forgive him and receive him back into the church after he repented. Who do you think you are to say that the perpetrator in your scenario was not brought to justice? God's justice is perfect justice and the perpetrator will be held accountable (if he never repented of his sin, he will be spending eternity in the lake of fire). Where were the parents of these children? Why didn't they do something after the church (according to you) swept it under the rug? (It's conspicuous that you're only relating one side of the story). Then, of course, there's that whole command from Jesus to forgive thing that so many seem to think doesn't apply to Christians in the 21st century. That's no excuse for entering into rebellion against God by refusing to be part of a local church.
Excuse me? Since when do saints need permission from their pastor to attend a funeral? Not an acceptable excuse to miss church? Well, there are different ways of looking at it. After all, Jesus told the man who wanted to wait until his father died before following Jesus "let the dead bury the dead." It sounds to me like that church isn't a church but, instead, a cult! That's no excuse for entering into rebellion against God by refusing to be part of a local church.
They will give account to God. That's no excuse for entering into rebellion against God by refusing to be part of a local church.
So, the preacher is a false prophet and should have been dealt with accordingly. That's no excuse for entering into rebellion against God by refusing to be part of a local church.
That's no excuse for entering into rebellion against God by refusing to be part of a local church.
Why is it the pastor's job to do something about it? Why doesn't the wife do something? Like, say, call the police!
Yes, I would tell them to "Get over it!" Of course, I would preface that with Jesus' command to forgive as He forgave them and tell them that as long as they keep holding onto the hurt they are only hurting themselves and building up a root of bitterness; but, yes, I would tell them to get over it.