Originally Posted by NotforSale
I guess I'm approaching this issue as Godsdrummer points out. We've told people, "Don't smoke! It destroys the temple of God (our body)", yet we allow or don't say much about the health ramifications of being overweight.
To me, this is not consistent and balanced teaching and allows one sin, but not the other.
We must ask ourselves this tough question; Will a tabacoo user be saved? Years ago, my indoctrinated mind would have said, "No!" Today, I don't see this as a Heaven or Hell issue, as God's mercy and forgiveness is far deeper than we could ever comprehend.
Remember, if we say obesity is NOT a sin (whatever that level is in food consumption/1 cigarette or 20 a day), we must learn to justify other human failure and stop our dogmatic smokescreen of being Holy.
I personally feel being fat or smoking is not in the equation of being good enough for God. I also feel, that if one wants to improve their quality of life and the lives of their children, we must address this issue with an honest heart without hurling stones at our obese friends.
The tabacco issue in this Country has been a great example of how to help people make the right choices regarding nicotine use. Education about the dangers of something can wake a Nation.
I agree with your post. The amount of cherry picking that goes on as to what is considered sin and what isn't is obvious to just about anyone. Using the same principle that those use to consider tobacco sinful, the can of Coke (NOT even diet!) sitting on the desk next to me SHOULD be almost as bad -and thus, sinful.