Obamacare Part Deux
So BHO posted his healthcare proposal today in advance of the summit with the dems and republicans on thursday.
Let's get this out of the way ... the "summit" is a farce. It's a PR move by BHO to make republicans look bad. It's already been well documented that regardless of what the republicans offer, BHO and the dems are ready to try and shove the current bill thru via reconciliation.
This is fake bi-partisanship. Trickery. Sleight of hand. Out and out lying to the public. They're saying one thing while doing something else.
BHO's plan isn't any better and shouldn't receive support from the republicans or any conservative democrats.
His plan still raises taxes; still penalizes those who do not take the insurance being forced on them; it creates a new panel whose job it is to make the insurance and healthcare industry fail by banning cost increases; AND while BHO nix'd the "Cornhusker Kickback" for Nelson, he kept the "Lousiana Purchase" for Landrieu.
I hope the republicans really do come up with and submit a real plan for healthcare. I hope Cantor's statement on them going to the summit to offer an indictment against the dems proposal isn't really what they're going to do.
Yes, they should air their disagreements and point out why BHO's new proposal is even worse than the one passed by the House and Senate. But they also need to propose their own plan and show us they're not just the "party of no" as BHO and the dems make them out to be.
BHO may get this passed via reconciliation ... but this will ultimately be ruled unconstitutional by the conservative-leaning SCOTUS. I would sign on to any lawsuit submitted against it.