Originally Posted by Sam
This wasn't asked of me but I'll chime in.
Some of our elders taught that the triune or three-one God has a triune or three-one name. As Father He is called Lord; as Son He is called Jesus; and as Holy Ghost He is called Christ, therefore God's compound name is "Lord Jesus Christ." I personally do not believe that. It is my opinion that the one name shared by the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is Jesus or Yeshua which means JHWH-Savior. Since there are several people called Jesus in our New Testament (including Joshua the successor of Moses) I believe it is best to say "Jesus Christ" to show plainly that you are speaking of Jesus the Christ/Messiah and not some other Jesus (but I'm sure God would know which Jesus you were referencing if you left off "Christ").
Does Jesus know that you are referring to him when you baptize in the titles?