Programming Question
I need help from any of you other programmers out there that might know the answer.
I am trying to write a simple command prompt type application for windows. Actually I done have it written but I am trying to add some functionality. For example it can't do dir or cd at the moment. Though it can run more complicated commands like ipconfig... That isn't the main issue though cause I think I understand basically what I need to do to get those commands to work.
What is really annoying me is that when I tell my program to open a non-console application it opens the program in a new window and all but waits until that program is closed to resume running my program. I need the wait behavior when it runs a console application or else my program fights over control of the single console window. I've searched hours for how to differentiate between whether the application I try to run is either a console app or a non-console app and from what I have found there is supposed to be a flag set somewhere in the actual .exe file but i have no idea where. Any help would be greatly appreciated.