Originally Posted by TroubleMaker
Naaaa, I'm still confused. The UPC is not the largest Jesus Name organization. That's probably The Southern Baptist Convention. But there are many other Baptist groups, as well, dozens of them. But we have to consider many other Jesus Name groups, such as Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Church of God, Nazarenes, my goodness, the list goes on forever of Jesus Name denominations that are larger than the UPC.
I understand now that you are just being "dense" on purpose to try to prove a point. So the joke is on me.
But the point is still not lost that there is a distinct and OH SO IMPORTANT, difference in the orgs that you mention and those who practice baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ. Yes, many of the "oneness" trinitarians use the name of Jesus in prayer, some what hypocritically, to be honest and true to their refusal to use the name of Jesus Christ in baptism, they should also refuse its use in all cases including prayer. They should close all their prayers in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost!
I wonder if there is anyplace, any online source, or a book, put out by the trinitarian orgs. that claim that they are "Jesus Name." I think NOT. They would not want to identify themselves with those of us who are follwers of the Name.
To any honest observer, trinitarian orgs. cannot be called "Jesus Name."