Originally Posted by Pressing-On
Incidentally, the Lord taught me something as a new convert. I was praying and He impressed me to read the words to the song, Joy Unspeakable.
When I read this part of the song, I didn't need to go further. I knew what He wanted me to know.
I've found His grace is all complete
He supplies my every need
While I sit and learn at Jesus’ feet
I am free, yes, free indeed
God is faithful! We have been through some tremendous things through the years, but I always knew if I could just get alone with God, everything would be all right.
PO - - I think this is the difference and where sometimes you have a disconnect because it's so against you and the way you believe/feel. There are many that do not have this type relationship and just do what man tells them to do.
You aren't ever going to be like that - - you are going to search it out, pray about it, ask God for direction, etc. If everyone could be like that, then God could really move! It's man's agenda and those that just go with the flow not seeking if it's right or not that keeps the church down.
*All in my humble opinion.