Originally Posted by MissBrattified
My Dad used to preach a simple message called, "Don't look at people." If you focus on people and all their inconsistencies and stupidities and failures (including your own), it will destroy you! But if you can lift your eyes just a couple of inches above their heads, you'll see a God who never fails, a God who keeps us, a God who understands us, a God in whom we live and move and have our being. People are just big, fat messes, especially the ones who think they have it all together and have it all figured it. Fortunately God has as much pity on them as He does on us, and as Sis. Wanda Philips says, "We're all just a little bit pitiful." Ultimately, I will have to work out my own salvation, and so will you...and so will Daniel. The one thing that unites every last one of us is that we will personally account to God for our own selves. He won't care what we have (or had) to say about other people, assuming we would have enough pride or gall to try to point out the faults in others, while our own misery stands before God.
I'm in a hurry again. As is my way, I log out and then do a once over to make sure I didn't miss or overlook anything. I'm very bad about not being thorough when I'm in a hurry. I was in such a hurry yesterday that I totally read over one of Jeffrey's posts. Got around to that this morning. LOL!
I wanted to say that I did love this part posted above. Especially what Sis. Wanda Philips said, "We're all just a little bit pitiful." Ain't that the truth!!! LOL!!
Have a good weekend. I better get going!