Originally Posted by tstew
Jeffrey, I'm not sure I follow you all the way on this.
Who else would they use to advertise a hair-care product? I would expect someone fit to be extolling the virtues of any exercise product,etc...
I don't think the role of true modesty is to eliminate everything that is attractive about a person. At the end of the day, I think that the most universally attractive feature is a very pretty face (hence the supermodels you mentioned). I obviously don't think that such a person has an obligation to put on a burka so as to not attract anyone.
I don't believe that true modesty is just about other people and carrying yourself in a way that nothing about you has any chance of being remotely attractive to others. I think true modesty is about the individual themself, their motives, what they wish to project, and what they know they are attempting to emphasize.
Excellent, Stew! Well said!!