Originally Posted by Hoovie
No I don't mean that.
It seems many are not buying in at a church service (even though the baptisms etc take place there) but rather it seems they are convinced through personal friendships and life outside the church services more than in the past.
I believe that most people come and stay because we work on friendships.
Having them fill out a card, and never build a relationship will never create stickability. Relationship take work, and both sides have to WANT to work on the relationship. We won't always have understandings, but will have misunderstandings. We always have to be able to stick it out and work with each other. People stay because of our spiritual commitment to them and their family members. A wife who is attending services without her husband cannot place him on the back burner while she asks for prayer to say his soul.
The ministers need to seek him out and see if we can do anything to build a relationship.
In Jesus' Name
Brother Benincasa