Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
Yeah people just are not valiant for the truth. Then they wonder why our Churches are so FAR, FAR away from what the New Testament Church is meant to be.
Well, I understand what you are saying, but I would hope the church of the last days looks more like the "glorious church" Paul wrote about and less like the divided and strife ridden church of the NT.
But, what it all comes down to is intent. Christmas is, whether we want it to be or not, an American holiday. Well, at least our version of it is anyway. So, we are stuck with it- with all of its glitz and commercialization. And I agree. It seems its becoming a Christless holiday. Jesus is hardly mentioned, replaced by ol' St. Nick. "Merry Christmas" is so... so...yesterday. A much more inclusive greeting, "Happy Holidays" is more acceptable today.
It should be the Christians INTENT to use every available opportunity to tell the world about Jesus. We do at Easter, don't we? And Thanksgiving. Even Halloween is used to tell people about the evils of the devil. But, when it comes to Christmas some seem, ironically enough, to join forces with those who want to stamp Christ out of Christmas. I heard of one church who refuses to use the word "Christmas" They call it "X-mas". Unbelievable. They have locked arms with the very people who want Christmas to be just another secular holiday. They, too, want to remove "Christ" from Christmas just as the atheists desire to do.
What better time to tell children about the birth of Jesus then on the day that is set aside to commemorate His Birth? When my grandchildren were younger, we'd gather around the tree (yes, the tree) and, before we opened the first gift, we read the Christmas Story. So, IMO, whatever I do to put Christ back into Christmas is a good thing.